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How to Become a Digital Nomad with Family in 2023

digital nomad with a family

So you want to travel with your family?

Imagine traveling the world with your family, working remotely, and immersing yourself in fascinating new cultures. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be! More and more families are embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, combining work, travel, and family life into one incredible adventure. In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide for digital nomad families, covering everything from understanding the lifestyle, preparing for the journey, and choosing the right destinations, to education, socialization, and adapting to this unique way of living.

With the rise of remote work and location-independent opportunities, the digital nomad lifestyle is no longer exclusive to solo adventurers. Families can now enjoy the freedom and excitement that comes with exploring the world together while maintaining a stable income. But how do you make this seemingly daunting transition? Read on to find out!

Understanding the Digital Nomad Family Lifestyle

Digital nomads are modern families that work remotely while traveling. This includes one or both parents, as well as their children. This lifestyle allows families to experience unique opportunities and bond in ways that traditional living may not offer. As digital nomad families explore different places, find fulfilling remote work, and discover kid-friendly experiences, they redefine the concept of “home” as an uplifting experience, transferring from a physical building to wherever the family is together.

While the digital nomad family lifestyle offers incredible freedom and the chance to create unforgettable memories, it also comes with its unique challenges. From financial planning and remote work opportunities to education and socialization for nomad kids, it’s essential to be prepared and have a solid plan in place before embarking on this exciting journey.

Defining a Digital Nomad Family

First and foremost, a digital nomad family is a family that is able to travel and live across the globe due to one or both parents working an online, remote job. Whether it is for a large corporation or for themselves, the parents have found a way to integrate a love for adventure into opening new doors for their children.

Being a digital nomad family is an incredible chance for parents to work remotely while traveling with their children. It’s an exciting opportunity that is hard to pass up. In this lifestyle, parents have the option to homeschool their children or enroll them in local schools while traveling through new countries and cultures. The experiences and memories created during these travels form an invaluable foundation for personal growth and development in both parents and children.

With a digital nomad family, the world becomes your classroom, and every destination provides a chance to learn something new. This lifestyle is not just about exploring new places; it’s about embracing a new way of living, experiencing the world first-hand, and building a wealth of experiences and unforgettable memories.

The Benefits of a Nomadic Lifestyle

The digital nomad family lifestyle offers numerous advantages for both parents and children. For parents, the flexibility to work from anywhere and the ability to spend more quality time with their kids is priceless. This lifestyle also fosters stronger family relationships, as traveling together and navigating new experiences create a deep bond and understanding between family members.

For children, the benefits are even more profound. The nomadic lifestyle allows them unparalleled freedom and extraordinary opportunities to learn and grow in imaginative ways. They are exposed to different cultures, languages, and environments, developing adaptability, resilience, and a global perspective.

By embracing slow travel, digital nomad families can fully immerse themselves in each destination, forging deeper connections and creating more meaningful experiences.

Potential Challenges

While the digital nomad family lifestyle offers incredible opportunities, it also presents some challenges that families should be prepared for. One of the most significant concerns for digital nomad parents is ensuring their family has access to quality healthcare while traveling. To address this concern, it’s essential to research international health insurance options and find a provider that best suits the family’s needs. Companies like SafetyWing, IMG Global, and World Nomads offer great options for digital families.

Another challenge nomadic families may face is maintaining social connections for both parents and children. However, with the ever-growing digital nomad community, there are numerous resources and groups available to help families connect and support each other. By joining digital nomad family communities, parents can access valuable advice, share experiences, and even arrange meetups with other families on the road.

An additional hurdle to consider is depending on the age of the children and the length of the stay, different countries will have varying requirements for schooling. Typically children over the age of six are required to be taking part in some form of education. 

digital nomad family

Preparing for the Journey

Before embarking on the digital nomad family journey, it’s vital to have a clear understanding of the financial implications, remote work opportunities, and travel essentials required for this lifestyle. This preparation ensures that families can confidently navigate their new nomadic life and fully embrace the opportunities it presents.

Working remotely before becoming a digital nomad family is highly recommended, as it ensures that you can consistently bring in enough income to support your family comfortably. Additionally, having an emergency fund of USD 5,000 to USD 10,000 can provide a safety net and peace of mind as your family ventures into the unknown.

Financial Planning

Financial planning is crucial for digital nomad families to ensure a successful and sustainable lifestyle. Creating a budget that accounts for income, expenses, savings, and investments is an essential first step. Tracking spending, setting financial goals, and building an emergency fund are all crucial components of a solid financial plan.

Digital nomad families should also be mindful of the cost of living in their chosen destinations. Researching the affordability of housing, transportation, and daily expenses in potential locations can help families make informed decisions and maintain a comfortable lifestyle while traveling.

Remote Work Opportunities

Finding reliable remote work opportunities is a key component of the digital nomad family lifestyle. Many digital nomads begin by transitioning their current job to a remote position or freelancing in their field of expertise. Developing strong professional relationships with employers and clients can lead to ongoing projects and a steady income.

To find remote work, digital nomad families can leverage online job boards, freelance platforms, and networking opportunities within the digital nomad community. Flexjobs, for example, offers a curated list of remote job opportunities.

Packing and Travel Essentials

Packing for digital nomad families include not only clothing and personal items, but also electronic devices and any quality of life items that can be hard to locate while traveling. Packing light and versatile items that can be mixed and matched saves space and allows for easier travel. Some essential items for digital nomad families with children include packing cubes, waterproof jackets, water bottles, hanging toiletry bags, and toys/games.

Travel essentials that many don’t consider when making the plunge include ensuring reliable internet access, and accommodations that cater to the needs of the entire family. When selecting accommodations, consider factors such as safety, proximity to local amenities, and access to reliable Wi-Fi. Many digital nomad families opt for mid to long-term rentals, which can be more affordable and provide a sense of stability while traveling.

Education and Socialization for Nomad Kids

Digital nomad families have a unique opportunity to provide their children with a diverse and enriching education through homeschooling, online learning, international schools, and world schooling. Each of these educational approaches offers its own advantages and allows children to learn at their own pace while exploring the world around them.

Socialization is an essential aspect of a child’s development, so it’s important for digital nomad families to provide opportunities for their kids to connect with others. Joining online communities, participating in local activities, and attending local schools can all help nomad kids build friendships and stay connected while traveling.

Homeschooling and Online Learning

Homeschooling and online learning offer amazing opportunities for digital nomad families to educate their children while traveling. With homeschooling, parents can create a customized curriculum tailored to their child’s interests and abilities, while online learning provides access to educational resources and virtual classes that can be completed from anywhere in the world.

To successfully homeschool or engage in online learning, it’s essential for parents to research the various curricula and methods available, such as the Classical/Principle method, the Charlotte Mason Method, the Montessori Method, and Unschooling. Additionally, resources like FluentU can help teach foreign languages, providing a well-rounded education for nomad kids.

World Schooling

World schooling is an innovative approach to education that uses the world as the classroom. By traveling and experiencing new cultures firsthand, children gain a global perspective, learn about different customs, and foster independence and self-reliance. World schooling encourages creativity, sharpens critical thinking skills, and provides a unique learning experience that traditional schooling cannot offer.

To make the most of world schooling, digital nomad families should prioritize slow travel, allowing their children to fully immerse themselves in each destination. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of different cultures, languages, and environments, creating a more meaningful and memorable educational experience.

International Schools

International schools have been a staple of expats for decades, with diplomats, military, and other travelers using them. International schools are more like the traditional western schools and follow the curriculum guidelines of a country other than the host country. They typically cater to a multinational and multilingual student body, so your child will get to experience many cultures in one place.  

International schools are typically less flexible than world schooling, online learning, and home schooling, as they report to governments about enrollment and attendance. They are the best fit for nomadic families that can commit to spending an entire school year in one location. 

Building a Social Network

Building a social network for nomad kids is essential for their emotional growth and development. Digital nomad families can connect with roadschooling parents on social media and in WhatsApp groups to discuss concerns, share advice, and even arrange meetups with other families while traveling. Local schools, activity clubs, and ad hoc playgroups are also great places for nomad kids to meet and socialize with other children.

To help maintain friendships while traveling, mobile apps and social media platforms can be used to stay in touch with friends from home and those they met during their travels. This ensures that nomad kids have a support network of peers, regardless of their location.

Choosing the Right Destinations

Selecting the right destinations for digital nomad families requires careful consideration of factors such as affordability, safety, family-friendly amenities, and connectivity. Researching potential destinations and comparing the cost of living, housing options, and available resources can help families make informed decisions and find the perfect place to call home for a while.

Some popular destinations for digital nomad families include Bali, Indonesia, Lisbon, Portugal, and Seville, Spain. These locations offer a combination of safety, affordability, and family-friendly amenities, making them ideal for digital nomad families looking to explore the world together.

Affordability and Cost of Living

When researching potential destinations, digital nomad families should pay close attention to the cost of living, including housing, transportation, and daily expenses. Mid to long-term rentals can be more affordable than short-term accommodations and can provide a sense of stability for families.

To find the best deals on accommodations, digital nomad families can use websites like Idealista or Airbnb, or even seek the help of local real estate agents. It’s also important to consider the cost of education, healthcare, and other essential services when evaluating the affordability of a destination.

Safety and Family-Friendly Amenities

Safety is a top priority for digital nomad families, so it’s essential to research crime rates and safety records in potential destinations. In addition to safety, families should also seek out locations with family-friendly amenities, such as parks, playgrounds, and kid-friendly activities. This ensures that the whole family can enjoy their time in each destination and create lasting memories together.

Local Facebook groups and online forums can be valuable resources for learning about the safety and family-friendly amenities in specific locations. Engaging with other digital nomad families can provide firsthand insights and recommendations on the best places to live, work, and play.

Connectivity and Co-Working Spaces

Reliable internet access is essential for digital nomad families, as their work often depends on a stable connection. When choosing a destination, it’s important to research the availability of high-speed internet and the quality of the local infrastructure. 

Co-working spaces can be incredibly beneficial for digital nomad families, providing a dedicated workspace, reliable internet, and networking opportunities within the digital nomad community. Some popular co-working spaces include WeWork, Wi-Fi Tribe, Impact Hub, and The Surf Office. 

Adapting to the Digital Nomad Family Lifestyle

Adapting to the digital nomad family lifestyle requires establishing routines and boundaries, embracing slow travel, and finding the right balance between work, play, and exploration. By creating a schedule that accommodates the whole family’s needs, digital nomad families can ensure that everyone stays organized and productive, while also enjoying their time together.

Flexibility is essential in the digital nomad family lifestyle, as unexpected events or changes in plans may arise. By remaining adaptable and open to new experiences, digital nomad families can make the most of their journey and fully embrace the opportunities presented by their nomadic life.

Establishing Routines and Boundaries

Creating a routine that works for the entire family is crucial in the digital nomad family lifestyle. Establishing set times for work, play, and exploration helps maintain a healthy balance and ensures that everyone’s needs are met. Being clear about when to say no to work and keeping the lines of communication open can prevent burnout and allow for quality family time.

It’s also important to remain flexible and adaptable, as plans may change or unexpected events may occur. Allowing for adjustments in the routine ensures that the family can easily adapt to new situations and continue to thrive in their nomadic lifestyle.

Embracing Slow Travel

Slow travel is an approach that emphasizes fully experiencing each destination, forming deeper connections with local cultures, and fostering a more sustainable and meaningful travel experience. For digital nomad families, embracing slow travel allows them to truly immerse themselves in each location, creating lasting memories and growing a strong bond with the local community.

By taking the time to explore each destination thoroughly, digital nomad families can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, languages, and environments. This approach not only enriches the family’s travel experiences, but also provides valuable learning opportunities for both parents and children.


In conclusion, the digital nomad family lifestyle offers an incredible opportunity for families to explore the world, work remotely, and create unforgettable memories together. By understanding the benefits and challenges of this lifestyle, preparing for the journey, choosing the right destinations, and adapting to the unique demands of a nomadic life, families can successfully embark on an adventure of a lifetime.

With the right planning, resources, and support, digital nomad families can thrive in their new way of living, forging deep connections with each other and the world around them. So, why wait? Start planning your digital nomad family adventure today and discover a whole new world of possibilities!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can digital nomads bring family?

Absolutely! Being a digital nomad with family is definitely possible, and many parents have chosen to take their families on a journey while still maintaining their jobs. Families can enjoy a variety of activities, experiences, and cultures together while living the life of a digital nomad.

Is it possible to be a nomad with kids?

Yes, it is possible to be a nomad with kids. With the right planning and flexibility, parents can take their kids on their digital nomadic journey and experience the world together. Thousands of nomadic families are discovering just how easy it is to raise healthy children while traveling globally.

Through their travels, nomad families can teach their children the valuable life lessons of independence and adaptability.

Is 30 too old to be a digital nomad?

No, 30 is not too old to be a digital nomad! Everyone has the power to create the life they want. If you’re considering taking the leap into this lifestyle, start researching and planning – no matter your age! The digital nomad lifestyle attracts people of all ages, the only barrier being online employment. 

You’ll be surprised what this journey can do for you.

How would being a digital nomad affect one’s family relationship?

For the nuclear family, the digital nomad experience is one that fosters many close ties. The close proximity to each other and the ability to spend more time together than a traditional family can be a great way to learn to communicate and understand each other on a deeper level. It is not without its challenges, though, as some find the constant attention and travel overwhelming. It’s all about finding a balance that works for you and your family.

Although the digital nomad lifestyle can be a challenge for family relationships, it does not have to be a negative one. With regular communication and planning of visits whenever possible, digital nomads can maintain strong and meaningful connections with those they care about most, regardless of the distance between them.

By taking the initiative to stay in touch and plan visits, digital nomads can ensure that their familial relationships remain strong and healthy, even when they are living and working in different places. This can be a challenge, but is well worth the effort.

What is a digital nomad family?

A digital nomad family is a modern, adventurous, and flexible way of family life. It involves one or both parents working remotely while traveling the world with their children.

This unique lifestyle offers families a chance to explore the world together and experience different cultures, making for an unforgettable journey.

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