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Can You Digital Nomad Alone? Navigating Loneliness as a Digital Nomad

digital nomad loneliness

Are you traveling solo and looking to connect with like-minded people and beat the dreaded digital nomad loneliness? Living on the move can be exciting and rewarding, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. As a digital nomad, you know that feeling lonely is an inevitable part of the journey. But don’t worry – there are plenty of strategies for combating loneliness.

In this article, we’ll explore tips for accepting your feelings, finding connection, and learning new skills. From joining digital nomad groups to dabbling in street photography, find out how to stay sane and connected while you digital nomad alone.

Accept That Feeling Lonely is Normal

It’s totally normal to feel lonely, especially when you’re a digital nomad. Moving around a lot, not having a lot of social ties, and spending long periods of time alone can all contribute to feeling lonely. It happens to all of us and is nothing to be ashamed of!

It could be a combination of things – traveling solo, working remotely, not visiting home often, struggling to make friends, or spending too much time online instead of getting out and socializing. It’s especially hard for introverts to reach out and make new connections. Acknowledging loneliness as a normal emotion can help digital nomads come to terms with their solitude without feeling guilty. Many nomads even grow to enjoy their own company, rather than viewing it as a negative thing.

It’s important to remember that loneliness is only a temporary state, and there are plenty of ways to stay connected to the world around you. Let’s dive into some tips to help combat the loneliness of the digital nomad life.

digital nomad alone

Stay Connected With Your Loved Ones

Staying connected with our loved ones is a great way to combat any feelings of loneliness that can come with being a digital nomad. When starting your digital nomad journey, it’s common to feel a sense of detachment from the people back home that once played a huge role in your life.

Staying connected with your family and friends while you’re on the road is easier than ever. Since the pandemic forced a lot of people into isolation, even my grandparents know how to use video chat platforms like Zoom and FaceTime. If you’re feeling creative, you could try making Marco Polo videos or having a Netflix watch party to have some fun while you stay connected. Additionally, the “Friday Five” is a great way to stay connected with your friends and family. Every week, you and your loved ones can share five things that made you happy. It’s a great way to stay positive and fight off those lonely feelings.

Making an effort to stay connected with your loved ones is an important part of navigating loneliness as a digital nomad. Taking the time to stay in touch with the people who matter most can help combat the isolation you’re feeling in your current location, and can help put things into perspective.

Seek Out Digital Nomad Communities

Making new connections is key for digital nomads to help fight off loneliness and to have a network of support while traveling. If you’re looking to join a digital nomad community, there are plenty of options out there like Facebook groups, Reddit communities, and even Nomad List. Facebook groups are the most common – just search “expats in City Name” or “City Name digital nomads” and you’ll likely find a few groups.

Being part of a digital nomad community is a great way to meet other people who share your interests, swap stories, and get tips on how to make the most of your travels and work. You can also easily locate a great co-working space by checking out websites like Coworker, Desktime, and Sharedesk. Working in a co-working space has plenty of advantages – a dedicated workspace, access to office amenities, and the chance to network and collaborate with other professionals.

Co-living is another great way for digital nomads to come together and live and work in the same space. Co-living is a great way to form connections with other travelers, provided you don’t mind communal living with shared kitchens and living rooms.

You can also connect with the expat crowd through groups like Internations, Meetup, and Couchsurfing. Being part of an expat group gives digital nomads the chance to meet locals and other expats, get to know the local culture, and take part in events and activities.

Volunteering is another awesome way for digital nomads to meet like-minded people and make meaningful connections, while also giving back to the community.

Travel Slower

Traveling slower is another way to fight loneliness on your digital nomad journey. Slow travel allows you to get to know a place and its people better, attend local events, and make new friends.

Finding your tribe doesn’t just happen overnight. When you slow travel, you’re giving yourself time to discover and connect with like-minded souls. It’s about more than just sharing a quick chat about the weather or getting travel tips; it’s about building connections, sharing experiences, and creating a sense of belonging.

These relationships tend to last longer as well. When I slowed down my travels, I started to make more friends, many of which I still keep in touch with today.

Choose Locations Wisely

It’s important to be selective about your destinations, as this can help you avoid feeling lonely.

When picking your next destination, look for places that meet your social needs. It’s worth doing your research before you go. Check out co-working spaces, meetups, and other social events. That way, you can make sure you find a great spot and you won’t feel lonely in your new destination.

Make Time for Connection and Community Building

When you’re a digital nomad, it’s all too easy to feel disconnected and alone. But carving out time for connection and community building can help you combat those feelings and give you a sense of belonging and support. Connecting with other digital nomads is easy! Try joining ex-pat groups on Facebook or Meetup, signing up for local classes, dating apps, and participating in language exchanges. You can also join online travel groups, attend tours or classes with locals, and make sure to be friendly and approachable. Trust us, it’s worth it!

Even if you’re feeling a bit shy and don’t talk to anyone right away, you’ll still feel better just being around other people. Plus, eventually, someone will come up and introduce themselves, so you’ll feel right at home. Volunteering can be a fantastic way to connect with others who share your values and give back to the community. Plus, it can give you a great sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Making time for connection and community building is an essential part of maintaining your mental health as a digital nomad. Whether you choose to attend meetups and social groups, join online travel groups, or volunteer in the local area, find ways to make friends and form relationships with like-minded individuals. Doing so will allow you to spend time with people who have similar interests and goals, and help you stay connected no matter where you are.

socializing while traveling

Take Breaks and Include Socializing in the Schedule

Taking regular breaks and making time for socializing is essential for digital nomads to stay connected and avoid feeling isolated and lonely. As a digital nomad, it’s important to take a step back, unplug from the hustle and bustle, and find ways to stay connected with others through socializing, networking, and even long-distance calls.

Digital nomads can easily stay in touch with others by joining local groups, attending events, or taking part in activities that pique their interest.

It’s also important for digital nomads to be mindful of their tech usage, as it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle of their full-time job and neglect their social life. Digital nomads can take control of their tech usage by setting boundaries like limiting their online activities, turning off notifications, and scheduling specific times to check emails and messages, so they can make sure they’re still able to spend time with friends, make new ones, and enjoy the moments of being a digital nomad.

Keep Active and Learn New Skills

Keeping active and learning new skills can be a great way to beat loneliness while on the road as a digital nomad. Physical activity can help with loneliness by boosting your mood and making you feel happier. Digital nomads have plenty of options when it comes to physical activities, like joining in on community events or going for a walk, a run, or a bike ride on their own.

Learning new skills can also help combat loneliness by giving you a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Digital nomads can get creative and learn all sorts of new things, like cooking, art, photography, or even picking up a new language! Joining an exercise class can also be a great way to connect with new people and get a boost in wellbeing.

Go On Solo Adventures

Exploring the world on your own is an amazing way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and grow as a person. For many digital nomads, going on solo adventures is a great way to fight the feeling of loneliness.

One way to do this is through street photography. Street photography allows you to capture people in their natural environment, which can give you an opportunity to chat with people and form meaningful connections.

When taking pictures of people in public, it’s important to be respectful and aware of your surroundings. Always make sure you ask for permission if you can and be mindful of the people around you.

Digital Nomad Alone – Final Thoughts

Being a digital nomad can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also come with a lot of loneliness. It’s important to remember that this feeling is natural and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. By actively seeking out meaningful connections while on the road, staying connected with your loved ones back home, and taking the time to invest in yourself and explore solo, you will be able to remain mentally healthy and content.

It may take some extra effort, but if you place focus on building community, scheduling time for breaks and socializing, and engaging in hobbies and activities you’re passionate about, you will be able to thrive as a digital nomad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are most digital nomads single?

From the evidence, it appears that digital nomads are more likely to be single than in a relationship. Data suggests that 66% of those surveyed identified as single whereas only 34% were in a relationship.

This indicates that most digital nomads are indeed single.

Is 30 too old to be a digital nomad?

No, 30 is not too old to be a digital nomad! In fact, age should not be a barrier to follow your dreams and embark on an adventure of a lifetime. If you are passionate about traveling and embracing new cultures, then age should not stop you from making this lifestyle a reality.

What is the average digital nomad salary?

It looks like on average, digital nomads are making between $50,000 and 99,999 per year. This conclusion is supported by a FlexJobs poll, statistics from the CDC International Shipping Company, and Project Untethered’s findings.

Overall, it’s a great way to make a living while also taking advantage of the freedom offered by the digital nomad lifestyle.

Do digital nomads get lonely?

Digital nomads are often cited as facing loneliness due to the physical distance from their loved ones, and though it can be a struggle, there are ways to find support. Whether that’s through video calls, building up a community, or getting creative with social activities, dealing with loneliness is a necessary part of being a digital nomad.

Finding ways to stay connected and build relationships is essential for digital nomads. There are many online platforms and communities that can help digital nomads find support and friendship. Additionally, there are many activities that can be done virtually, such as online game nights.

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